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Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation
Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation
  • 定價:628


    博客來-Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010414438


    You have natural magical abilities that can elevate your life to a whole new level, as well as heal and help your loved ones and clients. The original teacher of this Divine magic was an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus. His teachings, called "Hermetics," were only taught verbally or in very cryptic writings. In 1908, three Hermetic students wrote these teachings in a book called The Kybalion. Yet, this book was still difficult to understand because of its archaic and confusing language.

    Now in Divine Magic, Doreen Virtue presents a clearly edited version of The Kybalion, written in understandable and modern language. She gives comments and practical suggestions based upon her own success in using Hermetic teachings for healing and manifestation. With Divine Magic, you can master your moods, release negativity, manifest new levels of abundance, and attract wonderful opportunities in all areas of your life.


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