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Picture Chord Encyclopedia
Picture Chord Encyclopedia
  • 定價:698


    博客來-Picture Chord Encyclopedia博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010123361


    The most comprehensive guitar chord resource ever! Beginning with helpful notes on how to use the book, how to choose the best voicings and how to construct chords, this extensive, 272-page source for all playing styles and levels features five easy-to-play voicings of 44 chord qualities for each of the twelve musical keys - 2,640 chords in all! For each, there is a clearly illustrated chord frame, as well as an actual photo of the chord being played! Includes info on basic fingering principles, open chords and barre chords, partial chords and broken-set forms, and more. Great for all guitarists!


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