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Pathways to His Presence: A Daily Devotional
Pathways to His Presence: A Daily Devotional
  • 作者:Stanley, Charles F.
  • 出版社:Thomas Nelson Inc
  • 出版日期:2006/09/30
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:700


    博客來-Pathways to His Presence: A Daily Devotional博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010785212


    Dr. Charles F. Stanley understands it can be difficult to walk the dimly lit paths of life with the lantern of God's guidance shining only a few steps ahead of us. But God's Word provides the spiritual guidance to lead us-it is the pathway to His presence.

    Pathways to His Presence focuses on 12 spiritual pathways that will guide you confidently into the presence of God, including:

    • The Pathway to God's Will
    • The Pathway to Forgiveness
    • The Pathway to Victory
    • The Pathway to Freedom
    • The Pathway to the Future

    As you walk these pathways, you will join a long list of biblical heroes who were called to move forward into impossible situations armed only with their trust in God. He has promised that when we do so, He will provide us with the guidance we long for.


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