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2000+ Essential French Verbs: Learn the Forms, Master the Tenses, and Speak More Fluently!
2000+ Essential French Verbs: Learn the Forms, Master the Tenses, and Speak More Fluently!
  • 定價:593


    博客來-2000+ Essential French Verbs: Learn the Forms, Master the Tenses, and Speak More Fluently!博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010207734


    French Verbs JUST GOT AS EASY AS 1-2-3

    Great news!
      Whether you're learning French for fun, school, or work, 2,000+ Essential French Verbs makes everything simple-conjugations, tenses, irregulars, and even conversation.

  • 2,000+ French verbs in alphabetical order
  • Translations, prepositions, and regional usage
  • ALL major tenses and regular and irregular verb forms covered
  • Help with forming tenses, explained in clear English
  • Sample sentences that show verbs in action
  • 40 engaging dialogues that bring verbs to life
  • More than 100 practice exercises
  • Special help for tough verb questions

    And for extra practice, FLASH CARDS help you memorize key verbs!


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